Monday, March 29, 2010

My Final Reflection!

As a researcher i have to tell you its not as easy as it sounds. Finding accurate information was a pain in the butt some articles were fake and other articles were just plain pointless,you have to provide your reader with true and interesting facts not just blabbering. I would change my research questions into something that would require more in depth answer and not just a yes,or no answer.

Personally even with the data i received i still believe that abstinence ed. is way more effective than sex ed. because studies show that teens that practice abstinence are more likely to have a stronger and better relationship with their spouse in the future. Abstinence is something i chose for me,not for anyone else. Even if the government is skeptical about cutting Abstinence only programs i wont stop in what i believe in.


If i would to conduct another survey asking non-abstinence teens and teens that are practicing abstinence or maybe even adults that are more experienced I would be able to come to a more clear conclusions.

I think if the government would fund abstinence only programs or even encourage abstinence in sex ed classes they wouldn't regret it. Teen pregnancies would decrease, less welfare, and more teens making something out of theirselves. A brighter future for us, for our generation, and for our kids.


The survey data and chart concluded that 51% of teens were all neutral about the whole Abstinence Education vs. Sex Education. The data really didn't focus on one of my research questions but it did tie in to the question how effective are abstinence programs?. That data shows how teens really don't think much of sex ed. or abstinence ed. Which brings it to the conclusion that maybe neither educations are at all effective.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Survey Data

I surveyed 118 teens at my school,48 were males(40%) and 70 were females(59%). 47(39%) of those teens were black, 54(45%) were white,2(1%) were asians, 2(1%) were latinos,9(7%) were mixed, and 4(3%) were other. I asked the following question "Is Abstinence Education more effective than Sex Education?" 11 people strongly agreed, 13 people agreed,51 were neutral, 23 disagreed, and 20 people strongly disagreed.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Lets Talk About Sex: In this article the writer is offering her opinion on how Abstinence is not really important and the government should spend their money more wisely. Not funding Abstinence only programs will decrease economic problems.

Quindlen, Anna. " Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Let's Talk About Sex." EBSCOhost. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2010. .

Abstinence Education works after all: This article encourages teens to say no about engaging in sexual activity to help reduce sex problems in the future.

Chavez, Linda. " Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Abstinence Education Works After All." EBSCOhost. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2010. .

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Research Questions

These are the questions i hope will be answered by the end of my research.
  1. How effective are Abstinence education programs?
  2. Do teens consider abstinence as a position?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why This Is Important

I decided to choose this topic because this generation is all about who's sleeping with who,and who's giving him a blow-job. What happened to the ooooo he has cooties days, saving yourself for marriage just seemed to disappear. The problem is peer pressure is rapidly increasing these days and so are STD'S and to make it even worse schools are cutting off health classes that teaches you the bad about sex but rather teaching you how to apply a condom, and how sex is not all that bad. But there not telling you the bad they're telling you what they want you to hear not the consequences, or the increasing percentage of teen pregnancies they simply ignore that subject. Even the media is portraying "love scenes" in new shows and even children cartoons. They don't encourage abstinence and a teen never stops to say "hey! are they married". I want to discover if there's still a small percentage of teens that are still practicing abstinence that haven't went completely sex crazed.